Thursday 3 October 2013

Creating and Implementing a Full SEO Strategy



Creating and implementing a full SEO strategy can be a lengthy  process. It often starts out with a detailed website health check and background research, which (when done properly) can take up a lot of time. This can seem counter-productive, as it delays carrying out changes and fixes that can actually start making a difference to your overall site performance. 

This low-hanging fruit could really boost your link juice! The outside world may be linking to your site using both www. and non www. versions of your URLs, but in the eyes of the search engines, these are effectively different pages, so the value from these links could be diluted.

Google is less likely to rank a website highly if a large number of the pages that appear in its results simply direct visitors to error pages. These error pages also leak value, as they are usually caused by URLs that have not been redirected properly. As such, any value that they may have been built up in the past – through content and links – is lost, rather than redirected to an equivalent, or similar page on the website.

This one requires a bit of knowledge in Google Analytics, so once again, if you don’t have an account set up then get one, as this is another place to get some extremely useful stats, figures and information about the performance of your website.

Throughout the life of a website, things change, from the look and feel, to page URLs or even the domain name itself. Link reclamation is the process of reclaiming links that were added to third party websites in the past, that now link to dead pages on your website, due to URLs not being redirected to their new locations. By identifying these broken links, you can set up redirects from the old pages to the new, and therefore pass on the value from the linking source that would otherwise have been lost.

Keyword research is an important process for any online marketing strategy, but nowadays there is a great deal of competition in most online industries, so aiming for the most competitive keywords can seem like an impossible task.
However, not everybody chooses the most obvious search terms when performing a search, so this is where the long-tail keywords can help.